Child Dedication

...then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life...
— 1 Samuel 1:11b

What is child dedication?

The dedication service is a public statement by parents who desire to train their children in the Christian faith. The Rock Church participates by affirming that they, as a church family, will also seek to encourage the parents to bring up the child in the faith. The idea of dedicating a child to the Lord can certainly be found in the Bible. Hannah was a barren wife who promised to dedicate her child to God if He would give her a son. 1 Samuel 1:11

Interested in having your baby dedicated? 

Please read the Child Dedication Packet and fill out the form below to let us know!

Child Dedication Form

Thank you for your desire to dedicate your child to the Lord! Child dedication is a beautiful and public commitment to raise your child according to the ways of Jesus Christ. It is a moment where you, as parents, acknowledge your role in guiding your child’s spiritual journey and invite your church family to support you in this commitment.

Please fill out this form with the necessary details, and be sure to review the Parent Packet for a deeper biblical understanding of child dedication. We are honored to celebrate this special step with you!