Want to serve at The Rock Church?

At The Rock Church, we believe that everyone is uniquely created by God with specific spiritual gifts, talents, and passions. Our gifts-based ministry encourages each person to serve in ways that align with their Jesus-given time, talents, and treasure. Whether you’re just discovering your spiritual gifts or looking to further develop your abilities, there is a place for you to make a meaningful impact within our church and community.

Why Serve?

Discover Your Unique Calling

Every individual is wonderfully made with a distinct combination of spiritual gifts, personality traits, passions, abilities, and life experiences. These elements come together to shape how you can best serve others and glorify God. At The Rock Church, we celebrate these differences and strive to help you find the perfect fit for your talents and passions.

Make a Difference

Serving isn't just about filling a role—it's about making a difference. When you serve, you contribute to the growth and health of our church family and our broader community. Your involvement helps us to better share the love of Jesus and meet the needs of those around us.

Grow in Faith

By serving, you not only help others but also grow in your own faith journey. Serving provides opportunities for personal growth, deepened relationships, and a greater understanding of God's purpose for your life.

Where to Start?

If you’re unsure where to begin, we invite you to take our free Spiritual Gifts Survey and SHAPE Assessment. These simple tools will help you identify your spiritual gifts and provide insight into how you can best use them to serve.

Take the Spiritual Gifts Survey

Take the SHAPE Assessment

Ready to Get Started?

If you're ready to take the next step in your serving journey, we are here to help. Fill out our SERVE INTEREST FORM and a member of our team will get in touch with you to discuss how you can get involved.

At The Rock Church, we believe that everyone has something valuable to offer. We look forward to seeing how God will use your unique gifts to bless others and advance His Kingdom.

Become a better follower of Jesus and a better person for your community!