Join a group!

Community Matters

Community matters at The Rock Church and one way we foster that is through our GROUPS. Each group meets on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis through out the school year. When you join a group, you can expect to laugh a lot, eat delicious food, have conversation about the current message series, and cultivate deep and rich relationships with other people just like you!

Click the button below to browse and sign up for a group. As soon as you sign up, that leader will be in touch with you. :)


Group Resources

Take our Sunday messages further with your group! With ice-breakers, discussion questions, and practical next steps - this discussion guide is one of the best ways to lead your group or even complete as a personal study!

Want to lead a group?

Community matters at The Rock Church, and one of the best ways we foster meaningful connections is through GROUPS. Groups meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly throughout the school year, creating a space where people can laugh, share meals, discuss the current message series, and build deep, life-giving relationships.

If you have a heart for bringing people together and helping them grow in faith, we’d love for you to consider leading a group! Group leaders play a vital role in creating environments where people feel seen, supported, and strengthened in their walk with Jesus. Whether you’re interested in leading a discussion group, activity-based group, or something entirely unique, we want to hear from you!

Fill out this interest form to take your next step in leading a group at The Rock Church. We’ll provide you with the training, resources, and support you need to lead with confidence!