Most of us hold the idea that the future will always get better...that somehow we will figure this out. But the question is, can we? Is this even true? We’ll look at two ancient stories that tell us more about ourselves than most of us want to admit, and realize why the struggle apart from God is more futile than we think. Are people inherently good, or a mixed bag? Is there a limit to human progress? And if we’re so enlightened, why do we keep almost destroying ourselves again and again?
Philippians Part Four: Joy for Life
We find ourselves this week in the final chapter of the Apostle Paul’s “discourse on joy” to his congregation at Philippi. He understood that “anxiousness” is the result of the pull in our lives between hope and fear. It was Paul’s desire to equip his spiritual children with the truth that could make it possible for them to live in a place of peace and great joy for the rest of their lives, no matter what circumstances would come their way. He knew that their lives and ours, would be filled with opportunities to live in anxiety, but that they, and we, must make the “joy decision” every day in order to experience “joy for life.”
Philippians Part Three: Joy's Focus
Happiness and joy, believed by most to be synonymous... but little could be further from the truth. The book of Philippians was penned by a man who was, at the moment of its writing, suffering untold troubles and trials. Paul was confined in a Roman dungeon, beaten regularly, and chained to one of his guards, awaiting death for the unthinkable crime of receiving the good news of salvation through Christ, and the desire that all might know his amazing savior. As he awaited his execution, he not only found purpose and meaning for the circumstances he was experiencing, he demonstrated incredible faithfulness, and did so with an attitude of unshakable joy!
Philippians Part Two: Joy Beyond Ourselves
Happiness and joy, believed by most to be synonymous... but little could be further from the truth. The book of Philippians was penned by a man who was, at the moment of its writing, suffering untold troubles and trials. Paul was confined in a Roman dungeon, beaten regularly, and chained to one of his guards, awaiting death for the unthinkable crime of receiving the good news of salvation through Christ, and the desire that all might know his amazing savior. As he awaited his execution, he not only found purpose and meaning for the circumstances he was experiencing, he demonstrated incredible faithfulness, and did so with an attitude of unshakable joy!
Philippians Part One - Joy No Matter What
Happiness and joy, believed by most to be synonymous... but little could be further from the truth. The book of Philippians was penned by a man who was, at the moment of its writing, suffering untold troubles and trials. Paul was confined in a Roman dungeon, beaten regularly, and chained to one of his guards, awaiting death for the unthinkable crime of receiving the good news of salvation through Christ, and the desire that all might know his amazing savior. As he awaited his execution, he not only found purpose and meaning for the circumstances he was experiencing, he demonstrated incredible faithfulness, and did so with an attitude of unshakable joy!
Love Like Jesus Part Two: Breaking Bread
Love isn’t only something you do—it can be the lens that lets you see the world in a new light. It’s time to Love Like Jesus.
Love Like Jesus Part Two: Washes Feet
Love isn’t only something you do—it can be the lens that lets you see the world in a new light. It’s time to Love Like Jesus.
Love Like Jesus Part One: Forgives Sinners
Love isn’t only something you do—it can be the lens that lets you see the world in a new light. It’s time to Love Like Jesus.
REAL Part Four: Life-Giving Farmers
Sharing your story doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it’s one of the easiest things a believer can do! Join us the REAL series as we share what it means to be a witness and live a real, engaging, and authentic life.We will spend the next four weeks discussing how to be Relevant Fisherman, Engaging Influencers, Authentic Witnesses, and Life-Giving Farmers.
REAL Part Three: Authentic Witnesses
Sharing your story doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it’s one of the easiest things a believer can do! Join us the REAL series as we share what it means to be a witness and live a real, engaging, and authentic life.We will spend the next four weeks discussing how to be Relevant Fisherman, Engaging Influencers, Authentic Witnesses, and Life-Giving Farmers.
REAL Part Two: Engaging Influencers
Sharing your story doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it’s one of the easiest things a believer can do! Join us the REAL series as we share what it means to be a witness and live a real, engaging, and authentic life. We will spend the next four weeks discussing how to be Relevant Fisherman, Engaging Influencers, Authentic Witnesses, and Life-Giving Farmers.
REAL Part One: Relevant Fisherman
Sharing your story doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it’s one of the easiest things a believer can do! Join us the REAL series as we share what it means to be a witness and live a real, engaging, and authentic life. We will spend the next four weeks discussing how to be Relevant Fisherman, Engaging Influencers, Authentic Witnesses, and Life-Giving Farmers.
Summer Fruit Part Five: Self-Control w/ Autumn Cole
You may have spent years trying to develop the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things”. But the gospel has a better approach to spiritual growth than you trying to become more mature on your own and by your works,
“Summer Fruit” is 5-week series with various guest speakers talking about some of the more difficult attributes of this spiritual fruit. We will talk about joy, faithfulness, long-suffering/patience, and self-control. Join us as we develop this fruit desired by Jesus!
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Summer Fruit Part Four: Long Suffering & Patience w/ Pastor Vaughn Fahrenbruck
You may have spent years trying to develop the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things”. But the gospel has a better approach to spiritual growth than you trying to become more mature on your own and by your works,
“Summer Fruit” is 5-week series with various guest speakers talking about some of the more difficult attributes of this spiritual fruit. We will talk about joy, faithfulness, long-suffering/patience, and self-control. Join us as we develop this fruit desired by Jesus!
Summer Fruit Part Three: Faithfulness w/ Pastor Tyson Lambertson
You may have spent years trying to develop the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things”. But the gospel has a better approach to spiritual growth than you trying to become more mature on your own and by your works,
“Summer Fruit” is 5-week series with various guest speakers talking about some of the more difficult attributes of this spiritual fruit. We will talk about joy, faithfulness, long-suffering/patience, and self-control. Join us as we develop this fruit desired by Jesus!
Summer Fruit Part Two: Joy w/ Phyllis Powell
You may have spent years trying to develop the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things”. But the gospel has a better approach to spiritual growth than you trying to become more mature on your own and by your works,
“Summer Fruit” is 5-week series with various guest speakers talking about some of the more difficult attributes of this spiritual fruit. We will talk about joy, faithfulness, long-suffering/patience, and self-control. Join us as we develop this fruit desired by Jesus!
Summer Fruit Part One: Growing Fruit 101
You may have spent years trying to develop the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things”. But the gospel has a better approach to spiritual growth than you trying to become more mature on your own and by your works,
“Summer Fruit” is 5-week series with various guest speakers talking about some of the more difficult attributes of this spiritual fruit. We will talk about joy, faithfulness, long-suffering/patience, and self-control. Join us as we develop this fruit desired by Jesus!
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How Sweet the Sound Part Four: It Is Well with My Soul
In many ways, hymns are the oral history of our faith. Like the Psalms in Scripture, they are passed from generation to generation and sung in cathedrals, chapels, or around a family piano. “How Sweet the Sound,” a four-week series, will delve into some of those classic hymns and explore their meaning, breathing new life into their melodies to illuminate the hope
How Sweet the Sound Part Three: I'll Fly Away
In many ways, hymns are the oral history of our faith. Like the Psalms in Scripture, they are passed from generation to generation and sung in cathedrals, chapels, or around a family piano. “How Sweet the Sound,” a four-week series, will delve into some of those classic hymns and explore their meaning, breathing new life into their melodies to illuminate the hope
How Sweet the Sound Part Two: What A Friend We Have In Jesus
In many ways, hymns are the oral history of our faith. Like the Psalms in Scripture, they are passed from generation to generation and sung in cathedrals, chapels, or around a family piano. “How Sweet the Sound,” a four-week series, will delve into some of those classic hymns and explore their meaning, breathing new life into their melodies to illuminate the hope they have for us today.